Monday, October 29, 2007

Blog 7: More on the Axe girls as first discussed in class

For a few weeks now I have been seeing this commercial for Axe Shower Gel that encourages the viewer to go online. Once there, the viewer should enter into a contest to create "The World's Dirtiest Film." The promos for it has perennial B-List actor David Spade and several dozen scantily clad women.

The women are doing many things. Some are eating very messy ribs with barbecue sauce that smears all over their bodies. Others are playing in a large bathtub, throwing bubbles and suds at each other. I find it interesting that while the girls are playing in the tub, Spade is standing in the center, watching them have their fun, not doing anything himself.

I am blogging about this because a few weeks ago in class you showed us the Axe commercial with the Bow Chica Wah Wah ladies of the evening. These women encouraged clean, responsible women to throw caution to the wind and just go crazy and sleep with many men.

If you can, please find a link for this video contest online as I feel it would be great to show the class. I haven't been able to find a link for it myself just yet, but I will keep looking.

Ultimately, it appears that Axe is at it again, but on a much grander scale as they are trying to recruit as many men around the country to add to their self-labeled "dirty" commercial. I wonder how far the participants will take it? How dirty will their versions be? Will any of it be able to be viewed on television? I'm sure the answer will be no. Some will do a nice, artistic job, however I am sure that many will not and will only go for gross sexual shock value. Axe, you've managed to out-do yourself.

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